

Chairman's Address

Date:2023-12-30 13:02:06 Number:97957


Writing a New Chapter of Green and High Quality Development with Struggle

Party Secretary and Chairman Wu Lijie

       Through wind and rain, the string song never stops! After more than 20 years of unremitting efforts, Huatai has developed from a single product structure, high production costs, and weak innovation foundation in the early days to a modern and comprehensive chemical enterprise with a certain degree of independent innovation ability, covering multiple categories and fields such as basic chemical raw materials, fine chemical products, new chemical materials, chemical fertilizers, pharmaceutical and environmental protection, and new energy. Today, Huatai's inheritance has been arduous The entrepreneurial spirit of hard work and hard work in the "small third line" not only leads us forward on our own ideal path, but also increasingly undertakes the glorious mission of serving the country through industry.

       Looking back, it was the joint efforts of all cadres and employees of the company, as well as the care and support of all sectors of society, that have contributed to the glory of Huatai today;In the future, we will uphold the corporate spirit of "integrity, pragmatism, innovation, and development", hold high the great banner of the Xijinping socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, work together with friends from all walks of life, never forget our original intention, remember our mission, and move forward courageously, striving tirelessly to write a new chapter of green and high-quality development in the Chinese chemical industry.

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