

Anhui Waltai Chemical Co., Ltd. is a modern and comprehensive chemical enterprise dedicated to the manufacturing of basic chemical, fine chemical, and new chemical materials. It provides first-class products and services for downstream industries such as metal smelting, biopharmaceuticals, agricultural environmental protection, polymer materials, new energy, and wet electronic chemistry, and has a large number of downstream customers with outstanding reputation both domestically and internationally.

The company's main products include liquid ammonia, nitric acid series (concentrated nitric acid and dilute nitric acid), hydrogen peroxide series (27.5%, 35%, 50% hydrogen peroxide and electronic grade hydrogen peroxide), ammonium bicarbonate (including industrial grade), sulfuric acid series (98% sulfuric acid, 105% niacin, 107% niacin, sulfur trioxide, 65 acid, refined sulfuric acid), melamine, amino resin series (melamine powder, base material, light powder), and morpholine series (morpholine, N-methylmorpholine, N-ethylmorpholine) Phenylenediamine series (m-phenylenediamine, o-phenylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine), cyclohexylamine, dicyclohexylamine, formaldehyde, ammonia solution, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, ammonium sulfate, carbon dioxide, etc.


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